USA Trip - Sept 4 - Oct 12
After spending a month or so helping my parents move into their new place, selling their place, distributing furniture hither and yon, and replacing our carpets; we decided it was time for a vacation. We borrowed her Dad's motorhome and headed out on a very loosely planned trip.
The plan was to head towards the Florida Keys (we had not been there) with some stops to see things and some folks on the way there and the way back. The plan changed daily as you will see.
Week 1 - Rocky start, but things got better
Motorhome Repairs (again and again)
Arches National Monument
Mesa Verde National Monument
Week 2 - Carlsbad Caverns, Eighth Airforce Museum
Week 3 - Florida Keys, Myers visit
Week 4 - Visit to Boston to see Jeannette and Josh
Week 5/6 - Off to Brookfield, and then headed west to home