April Trip 2010 - April 18
Woke up to a beautiful sunrise over Lake Mead. Took a picture of that and a picture of a blooming cactus.
Went through some more Red Sandstone Dunes so I had to take a picture. Janice also wanted a picture of a wierd plant which caught her eye.
We drove over the Hoover Dam. It had been quite a while since we had done that (we think Jeannette was 2). It was interesting. We had to go through a security checkpoint where they went through all of the compartments of the motor home. They told us they were searching for things which could "damage the dam". The Homeland Security guy told us the bus next to us was not going to be allowed to cross as it had luggage in it.
Took some pictures of the new suspension bridge they are putting it. This will take traffic off of the dam and make things go much more smoothly.